Highend AF100 Strobe/Dataflast

  • Individually addressable strobe can be used in special effects mode for lightning strike simulation and other strobe effects in theatrical, concert or nightclub environments or architectural settings. Dataflash® AF1000™ is in a class by itself, as not only an ultra high-power flash system, but also a continuous illumination source

Product Description

  •  Fixture available in yoke mounted
  • Will emit light continuously. Output varies by duration.
  • 64 levels of intensity (dimming), 64 levels of rate and 64 levels of duration are provided
  • Personality switch setting and selection of flash tube enables stand alone, standard, architectural, or special effect operation
  • Up to 512 fixtures may be individually addressed
  •  Quick lamp replacement
  •  3-phase system capability
  • Self resetting thermal shutdown
  • Adjustable current consumption
  • 3-pin XLR connector
Optional Controller
  • Controller for Data Flash-  The AF1000 LCD Controller allows you to address up to 256 individual AF1000 strobes for dazzling visual and pyrotechnic effects.
    • Up to 99 programs per internal memory or PCMCIA style RAM card
    • Control up to 256 channels of AF1000 strobes
    • 64 intensity steps
    • 99 program rate steps
    • 64 duration steps
    • random effects
    • lightning effects
    • Audio synchronization
    • Audio modulation
    • 16 program multiply factors (total multiply up to 256)
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